Take your own packaging to the supermarket

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Did you know that most major supermarkets now let you take your own packaging to the store when you're buying fresh meat and fish?

I usually take an old ice cream tub or a reusable box to the shop and the fishmonger or butcher is happy to put my fresh products in them - and just put the price sticker on top.

This is a really good way to cut down on needless single-use plastic and wrapping that not only helps the planet a little bit, but ensures you have less in your bin at the end of the day.

It's always worth asking at your local supermarket, fishmongers or butchers if they mind using your reusable packaging - most are more than happy to oblige... in fact many have told me "that's a great idea, I wish more people did it."

Hopefully the more of us that shop like this, the more the shops will make it as easy as possible for those with their own packaging - and will continue to reduce the amount of packaging they offer with food as standard.

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